A powerful new force engaging youth in national development - Voice Of The Youth Network


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18 Jul 2010

A powerful new force engaging youth in national development

Voice of the Youth is about empowering other youth. It is about sharing the opportunity to attend seminars to others. By sharing information and by involving others in different youth activities they are inspired that other organizations are doing a lot in their respective communities. Because they are inspired, they are willing to duplicate, innovate or do something different that would have an impact to their communities.

Voice of the Youth is about training others to be leaders, to express their idealism. We believe that nothing is impossible if we just work hand in hand. There is no one dream of any youth that cannot be achieved once they are in VOTY. VOTY is the realization of that dream.

Voice Of The Youth Network is an incubator of national partnerships among youth organizations in the Philippines; its mission is to facilitate youth participation and inter-generational partnership in national decision-making, to support collaboration among diverse youth organizations, and to provide tools, resources, and recognition for positive youth action to change our country.

As a national youth network in the Philippines, led by youth, empowered by technology. VOTY brings together young people in more than 78 provinces within national networks to collaborate on concrete projects addressing national problems and creating positive change.

A powerful new force engaging youth in national development, VOTY...
  • INFORMS the youth to realize their potentials and about the wealth of opportunities that surrounds them 
  • INSPIRES people to follow their dreams and make a difference 
  • INVOLVES people where their voices are heard and they can gain from the experience while fostering a sense of national, global awareness, collaboration, and leadership
  • EMPOWERS them through action opportunities where they translate their ideas into reality and connect to a nationwide to global communities


Such strategy works when a person starts to Inspire, Inform and Involve other people other than themselves. It works better if people start to inspire, inform and involve people that they don’t even know and is a stranger to them. Of course, we can begin by inspiring, informing and involving the people who already close to us since we already have their trusts but it does not hurt if we try to go and help beyond our capacity and beyond our circle.

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