In this training, you will be taught the programming language Python 3, using tools such as Python IDE(Pycharm), and Python Shell.
You don't need any coding or programming experience as well to participate. This can be taken by individuals even without knowledge about programming or computer science, although those with prior knowledge about scripting and programming will have an advantage in understanding the terms in the discussion.
By the end of this class, you should be able to:
- write Python programs about
- working with Python IDE
- basic syntax
- control flow construct
- strings
- I/O
- classes
- modules
- operators
- exceptions
- have experience with
- hands-on laboratories
- activities about Python 3
- code examples

Here is the course outline:
- 1. Introduction to Python
- a. Why learn Python
- i. Future of Python
- ii. Community
- iii. Career Opportunities
- iv. Companies that uses Python and Django Framework
- b. Zen of Python
- c. Python Timeline
- d. Python vs. other Programming Language
- e. Python 2 and Python 3 Distinction
- f. Python Frameworks
- i. Data Science
- ii. Machine Learning
- iii. Game Development
- iv. Web Development
- g. IDLE (Python Shell) and IDE (Pycharm)
- i. Basic Installation
- ii. Interface Familiarization
- h. Basic Syntax
- i. Variable Declaration
- ii. Namespaces
- iii. Data Types
- 1. Numeric Types
- 2. Sequence Types
- 3. Sets
- 4. Mapping
- 5. Mutable vs. Immutable Objects
- iv. Basic Operator
- 1. Basic Operators
- 2. Comparison Operators
- 3. Assignment Operators
- 4. Bitwise Operators
- 5. Identity Operators
- 6. Membership Operator
- i. Activity – 10 parts
- a. Why learn Python
- 2. I/O and Conditional Structures
- a. Input and Output Methods
- b. String Formatting
- i. Output formatting methods
- ii. Accessing and updating string values
- iii. Built-in String methods
- c. List and Tuples
- i. Indexing, Slicing and Matrixes.
- ii. Built-in Functions
- iii. Methods
- d. Dictionaries
- i. Accessing, updating and deleting values
- ii. Built-in function and methods
- e. Introduction to Conditional Statements / Decision Making
- i. If
- ii. Nested If
- iii. If-else
- iv. Nested If-else
- v. If-elif
- vi. If-elif- else
- vii. Range()
- 1. Start, stop, step
- viii. break, continue and pass statements
- f. Activity (10-part)
- 3. Functions, Modules and Classes
- a. Code Reuse
- i. DRY and WET Concepts
- b. Functions
- i. Pre-defined and Custom Functions
- ii. Function Parameters (Arguments)
- iii. Parent-sibling functions
- iv. Returning from Functions
- c. Docstrings and Comments
- d. Classes
- i. __init__ and main() function
- i. __init__ and main() function
- e. Standard Library and pip
- f. Activity – (10 part)
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